
Regulations of the online store

§ 1

1. Store - an online store operating at,
2. Seller - Bumerang Sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Katowice, Gliwicka 15, 40-079, e-mail:,  tel. 695 843 372, NIP number: 635-10-19-784, KRS: 0000080024, REGON: 271220875, whose registration files are located in the District Court Katowice-Wschód in Katowice, VIII Commercial Division of the National Court Register, with a share capital: PLN 50,000.00 in full,
3. Buyer – any entity (regardless of whether it is a natural person, a natural person conducting business activity, a legal person, an organizational unit without legal personality, but having legal capacity) being a party to the sales contract concluded in the Store,
4. Consumer – a natural person who makes a purchase in the Store for purposes not directly related to the conducted professional or earning activity,
5. User – the Buyer or another person who has created a User Account in the Store or has agreed to receive the Newsletter;
6. Contract – a sales contract concluded for distance within the meaning of the Civil Code or consumer law regulations, concluded on the terms and conditions resulting from the Regulations between the Seller and the Buyer via the Store;
7. Regulations – these regulations (together with attachments), which define the conditions, rules and method of making Purchases via the Store, and is also an integral part of each sales contract concluded by the Buyer with the Seller.

§ 2

1. Online store operating at is owned and operated by the Seller.
2. The content of the website and all its component parts may not be reproduced and copied in whole or in part, without the consent of the Seller, and the content, graphic elements, IT solutions and others are protected by copyright in whole and in fragments.
3. The Store sells goods via a public Internet network, with a focus on entities conducting business activity in the understanding of Polish law.
4. The goods and prices presented in the Store do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code, but an invitation to conclude a sales contract (within the meaning of Article 71 of the Civil Code.c.

§ 3
Electronically supplied services

1. The Seller provides the following free electronic services through the Store:
a. setting up and maintaining a User Account,
b. enabling the submission of a one-time order via the form (Quick Purchases),
c. Newsletter and receiving special offers.
whereby the contracts for the provision of services referred to in points (a) and (c) are concluded for an indefinite period and the service under point (.b expires when the order is placed or the order ceases to be placed.
2. The Seller recommends the following technical requirements in order to establish proper cooperation with the ICT system: computer with Internet access, access to e-mail, web browser: Internet Explorer version 7.0 or later with JavaScript and cookies enabled, Mozilla Firefox version 4.0 or later with JavaScript and cookies enabled or Google Chrome version 8 or later. Recommended monitor resolution of 1024x768 pixels.
3. The user is obliged to provide all data in a reliable and truthful manner. The User bears the risk, consequences and full responsibility for not updating the data, providing incomplete or untrue data.
4. The User is obliged to use the Store in a manner consistent with the law and good manners, while respecting personal rights and intellectual property rights of third parties. It is forbidden to provide illegal content, as well as to use electronic services in a way that unlawfully disrupts the functioning of the Store, including using specific software or devices, and to send or place unsolicited commercial information in the Store.
5. The Seller may terminate an indefinite contract for the provision of electronic services of a continuous nature (User Account, Newsletter) when the User objectively or persistently violates the Regulations, including when he provides illegal content. Termination will take place after a single unsuccessful request to cease violations addressed to the e-mail address provided by the User. In this case, the contract expires three days after the submission of the declaration of intent to terminate.
6. The User may terminate with immediate effect an indefinite contract for the provision of electronic services of a continuous nature (User Account, Newsletter) at any time and without giving a reason by sending an appropriate statement via the Seller's e-mail provided in the Regulations or in writing to the address of the Seller's registered office.
7. The contract for the provision of electronic services expires if the Seller ceases to provide these services.

User Account

8. The User may register by creating a User Account. Such an account is intended to facilitate subsequent purchases, because the User's data will be automatically entered into the order after logging in to their Account.
9. In order to register a User Account, it is necessary to fill in the form available on the Store's website by providing the following data:
a. Name
b. Surname
c. E-mail address,
d. Password.
10. Creating a User Account requires providing all the data referred to in point 9. Any lack in this respect prevents the effective creation of an Account and the use of related benefits.
11. Optionally, you can also specify:
a. Entrepreneur's company,
b. NIP,
d. Website address.
12. By registering a User Account, you can also agree to receive the Newsletter or special offers.
13. Logging in to the User Account is done by providing the e-mail address and password established in the registration form.
14. Login and password to the Account are confidential. The User bears full responsibility for actions resulting from making his Account available or revealing the login and / or password to third parties, as well as losing the login and / or password, until this fact is reported to the Seller and the Account is blocked by the Seller.
15. The User has the right to delete the Account at any time (without giving a reason and incurring additional fees in this respect), except when the Agreement has already been concluded, then the deletion of the Account may take place only after its performance by both parties, unless the User withdraws from the Agreement before its performance. Deletion of the Account takes place after submitting an appropriate request to the Seller via e-mail.

Quick Shopping

16. The Quick Purchases Service allows you to make purchases in the Store without the need to have an account. In order to place an order, you must complete the form on the Store's website, which is available after adding all products to the basket and after going to the order summary, you must provide the following data:
a. E-mail address,
b. Name
c. Surname,
d. Date of birth,
e. Delivery address (street, postal code, city, country),
f. Mobile phone number.
17. Providing all the data indicated in the preceding point is necessary to effectively place an order. Failure to provide all data makes it impossible to conclude a transaction.
18. Placing an order via the Quick Order form does not give full access and options (e.g. viewing purchase history and remembering the Buyer's data). Full access to the functions and services available through the Store is possible only after creating a User Account.

Newsletter and special offers

19. When creating a User Account or during an order via the Quick Purchases form, the User may agree to receive the Newsletter or special offers, as well as both of these services at the same time.
20. The Newsletter service and sending special offers consists in sending by the Seller to the e-mail address provided by the User information about current promotions, discounts, new products and other changes. This service may or may not be recurring. Information is created and sent at the discretion of the Seller.
21. The use of the above services requires providing an e-mail address through which the User will receive messages, as well as accepting these Regulations and confirming that the User has read the Content of the Privacy Policy available on the Store's website.
22. A message will be sent to the e-mail address provided by the User with a request to confirm the subscription by clicking on the activation link provided. Only such confirmation of subscription will effectively add the User's address to the database and enable the submission of offers.

§ 3

1. Before starting the order procedure, the Buyer has the right to negotiate the content of the contract with the Seller. In the event that the Buyer resigns from the possibility of concluding a contract through negotiations, the Regulations and generally applicable laws shall apply.
2. The Regulations constitute a model contract concluded at a distance.
3. The basic conditions for the execution of the order and the conclusion of the Agreement are the correct completion of the order form, acceptance of the Regulations and the Privacy Policy, sending the order and making payment for the order, unless the Buyer has chosen the method of payment on delivery or the Seller in the mode of individual negotiations has agreed to payment with a deferred payment date, in this situation the Agreement is concluded at the moment of sending the goods to the Buyer. When placing an order, the Buyer may use discount codes.
4. The order may be placed from the User Account or using the Quick Purchases option.
5. The Buyer adds products to the Cart, where he can check and calculate the value of the order. Then, going through the next steps, he chooses the method of delivery, the method of payment, makes the payment and the order is sent to the Store.
6. Acceptance of the order is automatically confirmed by the Store by sending an e-mail to the address provided in the order form. Receiving an automatic confirmation means that the order has reached the Store and unless there is another contact between the Store employee to clarify the order placed (in particular to confirm the type, quantity and availability of the ordered goods, the price due for this product, or to clarify other circumstances), it also means that the order has been forwarded for execution. Automatic confirmation of acceptance of the order takes place on the day of its submission or at the latest up to 2 working days after its submission.
7. The store accepts orders around the clock on all days of the year. Orders placed on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, public holidays will be considered on the first working day after the day on which the order was placed.
8. The execution of the order takes from 2 to 5 business days, and begins, unless another provision of the Regulations provides otherwise:
a. in the case of orders payable on delivery and by bank transfer with a deferred date - after the Store sends a confirmation of order acceptance;
b. in the case of payment by credit/ payment card - after successful authorization of the card and confirmation of the transaction,
c. in the case of payment by bank transfer - after the amount of the order has been credited to the Store's account.
9. The execution of the order is conditioned by the availability of goods in the Store's warehouse or at manufacturers. In the event of unavailability of part or all of the ordered goods, the Buyer is informed about the status of the order and decides on the method of its implementation (partial implementation, extension of the waiting time, cancellation of all or part of the order).
10. The Store reserves the right to reject the order, in particular if:
a. the transaction cannot be authorized in the credit card payment system;
b. the transfer in the appropriate amount will not be paid;
c. the shipment will not be collected by the Buyer;
d. with the option of personal collection, the ordered goods will not be collected within 14 working days from the Seller's registered office;
e. it is not possible to deliver the goods due to the lack of goods at the manufacturer.
11. In order to make any corrections to the order, please contact the Store by phone or e-mail.


12. All offered products are new and pre-packed, unless otherwise stated in the product description or the Regulations.
13. Extra-Labels brand consumables are warranted for 1 year.
14. Devices and consumables of other brands and manufacturers (than Extra-Labels) are covered by the warranty of these manufacturers - more details on the warranty subpage.
15. The warranty period for products other than Extra-Labels brands is, as a rule, 12 months, unless a different date is specified in the product description,
16. Points 12 - 15 do not apply to products that are sold in the used category - details about the warranty and condition of these products are always included in their description,
17. Product descriptions and detailed technical data come from the manufacturer of the products in question, we make every effort to ensure that the data presented in it are reliable and verified, but we hereby exclude the Seller's liability for any possible damage caused by improper use of the offered products or incompatibility of detailed technical data and product descriptions on the, with its actual properties.
18. The content of the Store's website is constantly updated without notice, changes on the website cannot be the basis for a complaint. The presence of the product on the website is not synonymous with having a given product in the warehouse or the Store's headquarters, in which case the delivery period may be extended by the waiting period for delivery from the manufacturer and may amount to up to 20 business days.
19. The availability status of the product above "2 days" is associated with the need to bring the goods. In the event that the Buyer resigns from the order, after importing the goods from the manufacturer, he will be charged with the logistic costs of this importation, based on the VAT invoice issued.

Price of the goods

20. All prices given in the Store are expressed in Polish zlotys (PLN) and include VAT, unless it is clearly indicated otherwise, then the prices are given in net value excluding VAT, and the tax is added to the price at the tax rate in force on the day of purchase. The given prices do not include the costs of shipping (transport) to the Buyer or to the address provided by him. Transport costs shall be borne each time by the Buyer, unless otherwise agreed through individual negotiations with the Seller or an authorized employee.
21. Prices are subject to change without prior notice. In the event that the price change occurred after the Buyer placed the order, the Store undertakes to inform him immediately about the situation. If the new price is not accepted, the order for a specific product is considered cancelled. Price changes do not apply to pending orders that have been shipped.
22. Prices may be subject to periodic reductions on the basis of promotion:
a. "Special Promotion", which is valid from time to time and whose rules (in particular product prices) will be determined on the terms described in separate terms and conditions of the promotion;
b. "Promotion - Discount Codes", this is a promotion using one-time discount codes issued by the Seller for a specific Buyer, one discount code can be used only once, discount codes are not combined, which means that only one discount code can be used for one purchase. In addition, this promotion covers only selected products, indicated by the store.
23. The Buyer may negotiate the price of the goods.
24. A VAT invoice is issued for each order. A VAT invoice is issued when all goods ordered by the Buyer are completed and ready for shipment. If some of the ordered products are not available and the Buyer's will is partial execution of the order, the invoice is issued in accordance with the part of the order completed at the moment.

Payment methods

25. The Buyer may choose the following forms of payment for the ordered goods:
a. payment on delivery - the Buyer pays for the goods at the Store's headquarters or the amount due is collected by the courier or postman in cash,
b. by bank transfer - prepayment based on a pro forma invoice,
c. by credit/payment card or e-transfer. 
26. Detailed information about payments (rules for making them and additional fees) can be found on the payment subpage, whereby:
a. settlements of credit/payment card and e-transfer transactions are carried out via the Dotpay Settlement Center,
b. transfers and postal orders should be transferred to the account of Bumerang Sp. z o.o. Gliwicka 15, 40-079 Katowice at Nest Bank S.A. IBAN account number: 89 2530 0008 2100 1067 5126 0001.


27. Each order is accompanied by the cost of shipping, in accordance with the current price list available on the delivery subpage, in addition, information about shipping costs is provided each time during the order procedure.
28. Shipments are carried out via PPUP Poczta Polska and courier companies InPost and Fedex. All detailed regulations related to the shipment of goods are specified in the regulations of these companies.
29. At the time of receipt of the parcel, the Buyer has the right to check the contents of the package in the presence of the courier. If the goods are damaged or incomplete, the Buyer has the right to write down a complaint protocol together with the courier.

§ 4
Complaint of goods

1. The provisions of this paragraph apply to all Buyers, unless it is clear from the content of a given point that it applies only to Consumers.
2. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods without defects.
3. If the Goods have physical or legal defects, the Buyer is entitled to file a complaint.
4. A complaint is considered to be correctly reported if:
a. is made in writing (under pain of nullity) and has been sent to the Seller's e-mail address  or the address of its registered office; the complaint form is attached as Annex 1 to these Regulations;
b. the complaint is accompanied by the goods complained about (sending the goods takes place at the expense of the Buyer);
c. the complaint is accompanied by a proof of purchase (invoice); in the case of Consumers, the proof of purchase may also be other documents such as a receipt, payment confirmation or confirmation of receipt of goods.
5. A complaint submitted in a different way than in the previous point or not containing any element listed therein, is not reported correctly and will not be considered.
6. In the event that the complaint concerns an Agreement concluded with the Consumer, a correctly submitted complaint, on which the Seller has not responded within 14 days from the date of its receipt, is considered to be recognized in accordance with the Consumer's request. This provision shall not apply when the time of consideration of the complaint is extended in accordance with point 11 of this paragraph.
7. The Seller may, but does not have to, ask the Buyer to complete the missing data or documents regarding the complaint. In this case, the deadline for considering the complaint runs from the date of receipt by the Seller of the requested additional data or documents.
8. The product must be delivered in its original packaging. In the absence of packaging, the risk of damage to the goods during transport shall be borne by the Buyer. We reserve the right to return the goods complained about if the goods have been delivered without complete documentation.
9. After completing the complaint procedure, the product is handed over to the Buyer personally at the Seller's headquarters or via courier at the expense of the Store in the event of recognition of the complaint (detection of a product defect that occurred without the fault of the Buyer) or the Buyer in the event that the product defect arose, e.g. as a result of improper use, storage, etc. (due to the fault of the user), or in the event that during the inspection of the device in the service the defect did not occur.
10. The Consumer, in addition to repairing the goods or replacing them with goods free from defects, may also withdraw from the Agreement.
11. Complaints about the goods will be considered within 14 working days from the date of delivery of the product to the Store's headquarters. If it is necessary to obtain an expert opinion from the supplier or manufacturer, the deadline for considering the complaint may be extended by up to 30 working days. The complaint period is extended by the time necessary for repair. The Seller shall inform the Buyer about the need to extend the complaint period by e-mail or telephone.

§ 5
Right of withdrawal (for Consumers)

1. The Consumer has the right to withdraw from the Agreement, without giving a reason, by submitting an appropriate statement within 14 days from the moment of receipt of the goods. Such a statement should be sent in writing under pain of nullity to the Seller's e-mail address or the address of its registered office. The Consumer may use the model statement of withdrawal from the Agreement available on the Store's website (Appendix No. 2 to the Regulations).
2. In the case of choosing a delivery method other than the cheapest delivery offered by the Seller, the Consumer shall bear additional costs in the form of the difference between the delivery method chosen by him and the cheapest ordinary delivery method offered by the Seller.
3. The Consumer sends the goods back to the Seller at his own expense.
4. The consumer is liable for the decrease in the value of the goods resulting from using them in a way that goes beyond what is necessary to determine whether the delivered goods are in accordance with the order. 
5. The Customer is obliged to return the Goods to the Seller immediately, but no later than within 14 days from the date on which he withdrew from the Agreement. To meet the deadline, it is enough to send the goods back to the Seller's address before the expiry of this period.
6. The right to withdraw from the Agreement is not entitled to the Consumer in relation to the Agreement in which the subject of the service is:
i. non-prefabricated item, manufactured according to the Consumer's specification or serving to satisfy his individual needs,
ii. an item delivered in a sealed package, which after opening the package cannot be returned due to health protection or hygiene reasons, if the packaging was opened after delivery,
iii. an item subject to rapid deterioration or having a short shelf life,
iv. an item which, after delivery, by its nature, is inseparably connected with other things,
v. in which the subject of the service are sound or visual recordings or computer programs delivered in a sealed package, if the packaging was opened after delivery.
7. The right to withdraw from the Agreement is not entitled to the Consumer also in other cases provided for in separate provisions of law.
8. In the event of withdrawal from the Agreement, the Seller shall return to the Consumer all payments received, including the costs of delivery of the Goods (with the exception of additional costs resulting from the delivery method chosen by the Consumer other than the cheapest ordinary delivery method offered by the Seller).
9. The Seller may withhold the refund until the goods are received.
10. The Seller will refund the payment using the same payment methods as those used by the Consumer. In the event that the Consumer paid for the goods in cash on delivery, the payment is refunded to the bank account number indicated by the Consumer. Refusal to provide a bank account number prevents the Seller from returning the money.

§ 6
Amendment to the Terms and Conditions

1. In the scope of essential provisions of the Agreement, in relation to Contracts concluded with Consumers, the Seller reserves the right to supplement or make changes to the Regulations for important reasons, for example: changes in the law, changes in the method of payment and delivery, changes in the functionality of the Store, changes in the subject of the Seller's business.
2. In the case of Agreements concluded with Buyers who are not Consumers and in the event of supplementing or amending the Regulations without causing changes to the essential provisions of the Agreement, the Seller reserves the right to change the Regulations at any time without having to provide a reason.
3. Amendments to the Regulations shall enter into force within seven days of their publication on the Store's website.
4. Amendments to the Regulations will not affect the Agreements already concluded.
5. Corrections of obvious clerical, accounting and other obvious errors do not constitute amendments to the Regulations and may be made at any time.

§ 7
Final provisions

1. In matters not covered by the Regulations, the provisions of the Civil Code and other generally applicable provisions of law, in particular in the field of consumer rights, shall apply.
2. If individual provisions of the Regulations turn out to be invalid or ineffective, this will not affect the validity and effectiveness of the remaining provisions of the Regulations.
3. Buyers, and in particular Consumers, have the right to use out-of-court dispute resolution methods.
4. Consumers are entitled to take advantage of out-of-court dispute resolution procedures before an amicable consumer court, they can apply to the provincial inspector of the Trade Inspection or the Consumer Federation, and they can also use out-of-court methods of dealing with complaints and pursuing claims using the ODR platform, which consists in submitting a complaint, e.g. via the EU ODR online platform, available at:
5. Disputes arising from the application of these Regulations and in connection with the performance of the Agreements will be considered (depending on the value of the subject of the dispute) by the District Court Katowice-Wschód in Katowice or the Regional Court in Katowice. The Consumer has the right to bring an action against the Seller in accordance with the rules resulting from the Code of Civil Procedure.
6. Filling in the form with the data of the Ordering Party / Buyer is tantamount to consent to the storage and processing of personal data provided for the purposes of transaction execution and settlement. The Buyer's personal data will be processed only for the purpose of performing the contract, i.e. the order placed, including issuing an invoice or bill and conducting financial reporting. These data are confidential, they are protected, but they will be disclosed to the Recipients, i.e. entities referred to in the Privacy Policy posted on the Store Website.
7. Due to the protection of personal data of Buyers who are natural persons, they are entitled to rights specified by generally applicable regulations, which are referred to in detail in the Privacy Policy posted on the Store's website.

Appendix No. 1 Complaint form: download (Adobe Reader is required to read)

Appendix No. 2 Model withdrawal from the contract by the consumer: download (Adobe Reader is required to read)

Previous terms and conditions valid until 28.11.2019 - download (Adobe Reader is required to read)

Privacy policy - Information about cookies - go